Thursday, October 15, 2009


Ethan and Zorin

Today we had a playdate at our house with Zorin and his mommy Cambria. The boys were so cute together. They shared toys and lots of hugs. On Monday Ethan's newest cousin was born. He was named Tiernan at 10 lb. 9 oz. Welcome sweet boy! We can't wait to have future playdates with you too.

1 comment:

  1. As always, Ethan looks so cute!! You are such a good Auntie :) I had a conversation with Tiernan during 3 am feeding today, telling him how Auntie Shawn and Uncle Kevin called last night to check on him and Mommy. I told him I could hardly wait for him to be able to play with his cousin Ethan. He smiled so he must have agreed...or it could have been the toot that came 3 seconds later :P
